With all the writing I’ve been doing lately, I have barely come up for air. My cooking has been cut down to only a few days a week. So making a delicious healthy meal in just 15 minutes and dinner is done… sooo my kind of meal. Plus there’s practically zero clean up. Clearly I love this. Once I had made this for like the fourth night in a row, I figured I probably needed to share it with you guys. One, it’s delicious, and two, it’s perfect for these summer days when life is meant to be spent outside and NOT in the kitchen. Meaning, 15 minute Bangkok Peanut Mango Pasta for the win! 🙂

What I love about this recipe is that unlike other Thai recipes, this actually uses real deal pasta. Not rice noodles, but like real Italian spaghetti. Don’t get me wrong, I love rice noodles, but sometimes I really just want PASTA, you know? To be honest, a lot of times the dishes I make myself for dinner are ones you don’t ever see here. Often with recipes that call for rice noodles or something a bit out there, I’ll just sub angel hair or spaghetti. I always felt like that was such the “wrong” thing to do that I never thought to let you guys in on my little secret, but then Food and Wine did it, so I thought ohhhhh, maybe it’s not so “wrong”. COOL! Now we can eat Thai food, but with like an Italian twist, lovin it. 🙂

So here’s the deal with this pasta. It’s fast, so pay attention…oops, sorry didn’t mean to be so bossy. I’m in a bit of a mood right now. Yup, one of those days. But tomorrow I’m planning to have a major cooking and photography marathon, so I’m kind of pumped about that. Then on Friday we should probably do a little snapchat cooking, huh?? What would you guys like to see this week? Maybe this pasta? or maybe something chocolatey? cookies? a CHEESE BOARD??? like what?!? Last week’s hummus was so much fun, so many of you made it, yeah! Ok, sorry, back to this pasta recipe though… …boil some spaghetti, reserve a cup of that cooking water, drain. …heat a super big skillet and cook the bell peppers. …add a bunch of olive oil, Fresno chile peppers and garlic. …take that garlic and caramelize, caramelize, caramelize, but DO NOT burn it. …add you pasta and toss in the sauce. …toss, toss, toss. …remove from the heat and add plenty of fresh basil and thinly sliced mango. …serve topped with peanuts. …eat, eat and EAT. 🙂 DONE. So fast right? And guys don’t think that putting mango in your pasta is weird, because it’s actually one of the most delicious things ever. Oddly, this is another one of those recipes that has like zero cheese… AND, I am completely OK with. Weird, I know, but it works here. Maybe it’s that delicious mango… so flipping good.

SOOO? Chopsticks or forks? Chopsticks for sure. So much more fun! 🙂

15 Minute Bangkok Peanut Mango Pasta  - 2415 Minute Bangkok Peanut Mango Pasta  - 7115 Minute Bangkok Peanut Mango Pasta  - 4615 Minute Bangkok Peanut Mango Pasta  - 4815 Minute Bangkok Peanut Mango Pasta  - 7415 Minute Bangkok Peanut Mango Pasta  - 8915 Minute Bangkok Peanut Mango Pasta  - 2