New year, new warm and cozy drink, right? I’m hoping you all had an amazing new year’s eve and day and are ready to hit the ground running with fresh (healthy) recipes this January! I can’t wait for what this year has in store. PS. if you’re looking for inspiration for healthy eating this week, check out my meal planning post. Speaking of New Year’s, did you guys have a fun NYE? I caught a bad cold, so I spent the night in, just hanging at home. We had a really bad cold run through the entire family over the past two weeks. Some got it worse than others, and I was one of the ones who got it worse. When I was a kid I would get horrible chest colds, but up until this week, I haven’t had one in years. Thankfully, I woke up Monday feeling better and I’m happy to be on the mend just in time to really start the New Year right! Looking forward to all that is to come this year, and hoping to see some big goals come to fruition. What are you guys looking forward to in 2018?

  Right now, I am excited about this latte. I’ve literally been making it every single day, it’s so good. I’ve decided that even though the holidays are now over (enter giant sad face…I love the holidays), we still need cozy recipes like this latte to get us through these cold winter days ahead. Normally, I’m much more of a hot chocolate kind of girl, but this year I’ve really grown to love lattes, especially any kind of Chai latte. Not sure if you guys noticed, but 2017 was the year of all things chai for me. Hello to these Frosted Chai Snickerdoodle Snowmen, this Vanilla Chai Tea White Russian, this Chai Pumpkin Pie with Maple Whipped Cream, and these Mulled Apple Cider Chai French Crullers. So yeah, you see? A lot of chai, but that’s cool, right? I mean, who doesn’t love the flavors of chai tea in the winter time? The. Best. Anyway, with all the sicknesses that has been running through my family and just a general want/need for warm and cozy drinks, I created this superfood chai latte. Here’s a quick break down of this chai latte’s health facts.

vegan gluten free contains double doses of cinnamon and ginger, which are proven cold fighters has a serving of omega 3 rich hemp seeds, proven healthy fats includes protein rich cashews free of added sugars, only pure honey or maple for a touch of sweetness

I’d say as far as lattes go, this is a pretty dang healthy one, no?

What I love most about this creamy chai latte is that it’s incredibly quick and easy to make and I don’t need anything fancy to make it either. Just some boiling water, a blender, and about fifteen or so minutes of time. Simple as that. The hemp seeds and cashews make the latte smooth and creamy, while the chai tea and vanilla add their warm and cozy flavors. I’ve found myself making this mid-to late afternoon when I need something warm to sip on, or just a jolt of energy. It’s also incredibly soothing if you have a cold or sore throat. I instantly felt better after sipping this while my throat was sore from coughing up a storm the other day. Also? If you’re feeling stressed, this will help! The spices in the chai tea and the creaminess of the drink instantly help to relax you. Trust me. Basically, what I’m saying is that this is a ‘cure anything and everything latte’. You should probably make it today, this first Tuesday of the New Year. We all need a nice way to ease back into life after the holidays, no January blues around here!

And that foam on top? Homemade latte perfection.

Chai Cashew and Hemp Latte  - 3Chai Cashew and Hemp Latte  - 71Chai Cashew and Hemp Latte  - 99Chai Cashew and Hemp Latte  - 79Chai Cashew and Hemp Latte  - 8Chai Cashew and Hemp Latte  - 78Chai Cashew and Hemp Latte  - 26Chai Cashew and Hemp Latte  - 72