A dang good one too. I mean it involves peanut butter and toasty bread and possibly a peach, if your into that short of thing. And really, let’s be honest, anything that involves any kind of peanut butter and toasty bread is a good meal or maybe even snack. Yeah, this is a good snack too! It’s also quick and easy, which obviously is awesome for everyone.
Is anybody else so incredibly ready for Friday? It’s been a week. A jam-packed, messy and pretty loud week. Remember last week when I told you the family was gone, yeah well they’re back and its pretty much total chaos because everyone’s running around like crazy people trying to get things done before they leave again for the summer. Yup, for the whole summer. Two weeks in Cleveland, one week in South Carolina and two months in Mt.Hood, Oregon. Ah huh. If you are thinking my family is a traveling circus than you would be 120% right. Cause we are, like really we are. It’s insane.
Lucky me gets to skip the two weeks in Cleveland. Why? Well, I have a civic duty to my county – jury duty, and a duty to my readers – get organized! I need to get some dang good recipes together before I leave. Anyway, come early Saturday morning the house is ALL mine. Bring on the cheesy country music and some dancing with excitement over good food and some hopefully awesome photos. It’s gonna be fun! And SO productive. I am telling you, I get SO much done when I don’t have people, err I mean toddlers and one seriously board twelve-year old asking for a gazillion different things all at the same time. All that while having one something on the grill, the mixer whipping up some very delicious white stuff (you are gonna freak over this said white stuff) and something baking in my very broken oven, that by the way totally ruined a delicious new cookie I had concocted. I mean they tasted amazing, but looked so ugly. I can’t do ugly cookies. The part is on order!
I am going to the week in South Carolina, it is mandatory. For all twenty-six of my family members on my mom’s side. Oh yes, that means twenty-six adults, teens, preteens, toddlers and babies (including a seriously pregnant aunt that is hoping her little sweetie can wait until the week is over to make an appearance) all in one house for a whole week. Should be interesting. I mean how to you think you feed twenty-six people breakfast, lunch dinner, dessert and snack for a whole week? Ahh…..I have no idea. I mean I can cook A LOT and for A LOT of people, but not twenty-six for a whole week. Actually, I think my grandma hired a chef to cook every other night or something. Yeah, she’s smart like that and she also put this who trip together. Planned it, found a HUGE house and told us all when to be there and were to go. Like I have said before, she’s pretty awesome! Oh yeah, and the reason for all this togetherness, my grandparent’s 50th anniversary! Pretty amazing accomplishment.
The rest of the summer is still up in the air for me. Decisions, decisions, remember I hate them and absolutely can not make them!
So back to lunch! I made homemade peanut butter and, oh my gosh, I am never going back to store-bought. Okay, I know that is probably not going to happen cause store-bought is so easy, but I’ll try! This Chipotle Honey Roasted Peanut Butter is out of this world. Like Home run, through the roof, so darn good! Really, the sweet and spicy combo with the peanuts is so good. Words can not explain, really they can’t. This is so perfect for summer, cause its quick and easy and delicious! Just whip up the peanut butter and then grab some whole grain, a sweet juicy peach and start grilling. Yeah, I totally made this on the grill and it was awesome. Ever since I made the Blueberry Basil Balsamic Crisps I have been itching to grill bread again. It’s crazy good. Really you need to try it! Oh an I know I am a little early on the peaches, but they were on sale last week and I bought twenty-four. Oh yes, twenty-four and they are were all gone within the week. What we love peaches and these were some good summer peaches!
Lunch is served!