Let’s see, Monday was all about some quick, cheesy and pretty healthy pasta. Tuesday was all about some 5 ingredient sweet chocolate and peanut butter cookies. Wednesday was the simplest – wild rice casserole, a perfect side dish for your Thanksgiving table. Thursday was just plain embarrassingly easy, cheesy puff pastry swirls <–SO GOOD by the way. And today – Loaded Chocolate Hazelnut Liquor Turnovers with Salted Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream . I didn’t mean for all these beyond simple recipes to happen in one week, but hey, I am not going to complain about simple, easy recipes. Especially now with my oven broken… indefinitely.
Yeah, I have not a clue how we are going to cook our Thanksgiving turkey this year. John, who is working as a consultant on the Barn (so he is here working all the time) swears by this giant crockpot thing he cooks his turkey in. He says it even browns the thing. No idea how that is possible, but at this point, I think it is our only option. Either that or no turkey and we eat soup… totally lame. There will be turkey on Thanksgiving. With or without an oven. Still not sure how, but it’s gonna happen.
The earliest we are going to get our oven fixed is December 3rd, so I am going to be cooking out of a tiny 8-inch oven till then. Oh my gosh. It stresses me out just thinking about it. But I guess I just need to be grateful that at least the I eight by thirteen inch oven works. Guess I will be cooking in batches for while. Again… oh man, still stressing. I mean this is high time, baking season. I think I need a cookie. Or two.
Or actually a turnover, because I have three batches worth. YUMMERS. So originally I had planned to show you guys something kind of Christmassy today, but then my mind told me that I should hold of until after Thanksgiving. It’s kind of stupid though since Thanksgiving is crazy late this year. I actually feel like we are being cheated out of the Christmas season because Thanksgiving is almost the latest it can ever be. I love Thanksgiving, but I will be honest here, I love Christmas so much more. It’s my favorite time.
It’s all good though because I am way too excited about these chocolate hazelnut liquor turnovers. They may seem so simple, but I promise, everything about these is deliciously awesome. And how perfect are these for Thanksgiving? They’re like pie, but easier, and super cute because everything in small form is always way cute.
If you love chocolate and your adore pie crust, than these turnovers are so your thing. They are packed to the brim with lightly salted chocolate. And that pie dough? It’s spiked with hazelnut liquor, which if you didn’t already know is the tastiest thing ever. Just the smell of that liquor is awesome. Oh jeez, and now I sound like an alcoholic. I promise, I only use booze to bake and cook with. It’s how I like to get my fix. Of course, as the title states, there is chocolate involved, practically a given with me.
I also sprinkled the chocolate with just a little coffee to really help the chocolate shine. Whoamazing I tell ya. And yes, I am making “whoamazing” a word.
Oh, and you can’t forget the whipped cream. Like the whipped cream is just AWESOME with these. I didn’t know what to call it because not only is it mixed with a little salt and vanilla beans, but I also added some hazelnut liquor to it as well. Literally it’s the best whipped cream ever. It’s the perfect last touch, and the vanilla flavors pair incredibly with the liquor and chocolate. Plus, just a pinch of salt makes these extra delish. Have I mentioned I love salt? Because I do and especially with chocolate. I would expect to see a lot of salted things coming up over the next thirty-seven days – yep that’s how many are left – between now until Christmas.
And now I need to go figure out how to cook Thanksgiving dinner without an oven.
Wish me luck… or maybe just send me more chocolate. That usually solves most problems!