It’s totally confusing, I know, but you must know that I tried so hard to come up with something cute and delicious sounding. Obviously that didn’t happen Sometimes recipe names just come together and sound awesome, and then there are times like today.
Today’s recipe is awesome, it just had a difficult time finding a nice little category to fit into. It is kind of an odd recipe, and you are probably thinking a little out there too. Well, it probably is out there, but sometimes those are some of the best creations. I’m really not one hundred percent sure what these little desserts are, but I do know that they are pretty good.
It’s definitely chocolate mousse, but then there is the Boba Pearls part. This is the part that totally stumped me. I wasn’t sure what to call this part because it’s creamy like pudding, but not quite as thick, so I went with calling it bubble milk. Boba Pearls are another form of tapioca pearls. They do not consider these the quick cooking variety (but they still cook quick-?). Typically they are used to make Bubble Tea, which I have yet to try. Unfortunately I am a tea hater, but I am thinking that I might actually enjoy sweet creamy bubble tea. Plus umm, the pearls themselves are awesome. So cheewy. I cannot get over the chewiness. I had bought Boba Pearls a while back when I read this post by Molly over at Food 52. I knew I had to try those cute little pearls, but I just didn’t know how exactly I was going to use them. The other day when I was staring into my pantry I saw the little black pearls. Honestly, they kind of freak me out a little. They are black and a little bit creepy, sitting in a bag that I cannot even read because it is all in Japanese, or at least it’s some type of language I cannot even begin to try and figure out how to read. I told myself right then that I had to come up with something sweet to make with these (if for no other reason than to get them out of my pantry!).
And when in doubt, I always turn to chocolate mousse/pudding like things. Well that and the creamy, chewy boba tapioca pearls mixed with light and fluffy chocolate mouse sounded like a pretty good combo to me. As did adding a little coffee and a little tahini to carry out the ethnic flavors going on.
Everything about this is pretty simple and straight forward AND these are no-bake, quick to make and not a lot work. Yeah! The Bubble Milk is so easy, you literally just have to watch as those little pearls plump up and become soft chewy bites of magic. Seriously, the texture of these boba pearls is amazing. If you like tapioca pudding than this is so your thing. If you can’t find them you can order these. I’m sure regular, quick cooking tapioca would work fine too. Just be sure to adjust the cooking times and add more or less coconut milk if needed to thin.
As for the chocolate mousse, well I just took my favorite recipe and adapted it a little. I know that chocolate and tahini may sound a little odd, but you guys. I am hooked on this combo. It’s one of those combos that you might never think to try (or at least I didn’t for a while), but when you do it’s like “why haven’t I been eating this my whole life”? I have no doubt that you will love it. And there is coffee going on in the mousse too. That I already knew I would love, but the combo of coffee and chocolate is a classic. Oh, oh and then you have to finish these off with chocolate covered coffee beans and a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds.
It’s not negotiable. Do it.
That’s a good lookin bite, right?!?? Perfect for a happy Tuesday!