So predictable, I know. But I couldn’t leave you guys hanging. I can’t just give you an epic recipe for Everything Bagel Slider Buns and not provide you with with a slider to go in the middle. That would just be cruel, and since I love you guys I just couldn’t do that to ya! Plus, I could not wait to share these cute and highly addicting Buffalo Salmon Sliders! Ah huh, you heard me (err, read me), buffalo salmon. Yes it’s a thing! And you thought I couldn’t find another thing to slather buffalo sauce all over! You’d think after I have made a buffalo chicken quinoa salad, grilled buffalo shrimp sandwich, crispy buffalo quinoa bites salad, buffalo broccoli pasta, buffalo cheddar cheese sauce  and buffalo oven fried goat cheese that I might feel the need to cool it with the buffalo sauce. Wrong. Trust me, my brain is still full of ideas for the stuff. We like to call it liquid gold around here. I am trying to space out the buffalo recipes though, cause I have a feeling most people don’t want to see food covered in buffalo sauce week, after week, after week.

I have to tell you, these were my very first sliders. What? I know, how could I wait so long to make something so darn cute. Seriously, why is that all small itty bitty things are so cute? Babies, puppies, mini doughnuts, basically mini anything, they are all just way too cute to stand. Especially, little puppies. Especially Golden Retriever puppies. Oh yes, those puppies have gotten me in trouble before. Once was an awesome kind of trouble and the second, well not so much. Let’s just say, he was not very obedient and was a real stuck up pain. It didn’t end well. And by that I only mean that we gave him to another family that hopefully knew how to handle that dog better than we did.

Seriously, don’t judge us. If you met this dog you would have understood. He was the oddest Golden you have ever met. You know how most Goldens like to please their owners and be “best buds”. Yeah well, this one did not. He pretty much did the opposite of everything you told him to do and no matter how much time you spent with him he’d still run and never come back until you finally chased him down. You’d throw the ball and he’d run after it, stop at the ball, look at it and then run in another direction. Totally odd and totally frustrating. Anyway, I am sucker for pretty much anything small which is probably why I cave in to everything Asher begs me to do and why I never cave in for umm pretty much anyone who is big. Unless it’s my mom. Then I cave cause well, the women has put up with me for nineteen years. Oh and trust me, that’s a thing to be grateful for.

Alright, so here is the deal. This is probably the perfect Monday night meal. Seriously one of the easiest things I have ever done. All it takes is eight ingredients that you many even have on hand right now. Salmon, hot sauce, butter, blue cheese, lettuce, avocado, seasoned salt and some buns! Once you have those all you do is cut the salmon into slider size pieces, rub them with the buffalo sauce, grill for about five minutes total, throw them on the buns with some lettuce, blue cheese and a few slices of avocado. DONE.

Pretty stinkin’ easy, right? I used my homemade Everything Bagel Slider Buns cause they are delicious and bagels and salmon are made for each other if you ask me, but obviously if you want to make this like right now and not wait a single minute you can use whatever slider buns your heart desires. Perfect, easy, healthy, delicious summer meal or party app if you ask me!


Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 88Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 64Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 5Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 70Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 97Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 55Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 77Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 57Crispy Buffalo Style Salmon Sliders - 22