watch the how to video here:

crispy prosciutto cheesy white lasagna from Half Baked Harvest on Vimeo. Because really, who doesn’t need cheese filled lasagna on the Monday after Thanksgiving? It’s clearly just the right thing to do. After a whirlwind weekend, I think we could use a meal like this to help ease us back into the work week. Plus, there’s some spinach involved, so I mean it’s kind salad…ish? Right, right! But guys let’s talk about our Thanksgiving weekends, how was everyone’s? Mine was pretty awesome. No major drama to report, good food was had, family stories were shared, and the house is now decked out with Christmas! Thanksgiving day was spent cooking up a storm, celebrating my brother Kai’s, 21st birthday and making a heck of a lot of cocktails. Finished the night off with about ten minutes of a Christmas movie before my eyes gave in and I went to bed at the earliest hour I have in months, YES! Friday was spent doing zero black Friday shopping, instead I was back in the kitchen cooking and photographing. I have a crazy month ahead, but despite my slightly overwhelming to do list, I am surprisingly, not too stressed and more just excited for Christmas time to finally be here. Other highlights of the long weekend include decorating the Christmas tree, watching Home Alone while putting together these Cookie Decorating Kits and listening to all the Christmas music! Oh, and it’s been snowing since Sunday and I could not be happier about it! I’ve already shared not one, not two, but three Christmas inspired posts and there are SO many more to come. Dying to know what you guys are excited about this holiday season. Any recipes you’d love to see? Homemade crafts? What? Let me know!

While your brains are all thinking upon Christmas recipes and things you might want to see on the blog this season, let me tell you all about this here crispy prosciutto cheesy white lasagna. It’s one of my favorite white lasagnas, probably because of all that crispy prosciutto on top…okok and of course all the CHEESE. This is beyond delicious and I could not think of a better recipe to kind of kick off my holiday inspired entertaining recipes. Whenever I think of December dinners/recipes, I always think of lasagna. This traditional one is typically my go-to, but when my family comes into town for Christmas, there are so many people in the house that I typically need to make two. So I make one meaty lasagna and one white lasagna. While I keep the meat one very classic, I always have fun with the white. Since the boys only care about the meat lasagna, I don’t have to worry about what “weird” ingredients go into the cheesy white lasagna. So while every year the way I make this slightly different, I’m currently loving this year’s version. It’s extra, extra cheesy, filled with a creamy Béchamel sauce and layered with spinach, ricotta, provolone, and then topped with prosciutto just before baking, which allows it to get nice and crispy in the oven. Perfection.

Of course, if you’re a vegetarian, you can leave the prosciutto off, but if you don’t mind a little ham, please, please, do not skip this part. It adds a saltiness that pairs really nicely with the sharp cheeses, and of course, the crispness adds another layer of awesome texture…which you guys know I love! The rest is pretty simple and straight forward. I used no-boil pasta noodles to keep the recipe quick and easy, but if you can only find regular lasagna noodles, those will work great too. Just cook them according to the package directions and bake as directed according to the recipe.

And with that I think I am going to close out this post! Hoping this lasagna is the perfect start to your week! I know it can be hard getting back into the grind after Thanksgiving weekend, but cheese and pasta make everything better. Or at least they do in my house anyway! PS. I cannot believe I forgot to mention this, but I did watch the first episode of Gilmore Girls while editing photos, and OH MY GOSH!! I am dying. I don’t want to ruin it for anyone who has yet to watch, but it was SO GOOD (and Christmasy!). I’m saving the Spring, Summer and Fall episodes for after the holidays so I can attempt to squeeze in watching all the Christmas movies. Yes,  I am totally the most annoying person ever. #sorrynotsorry

For real though, how could you not LOVE this plate full of all the good things in the world. Gimme.

Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 39Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 82Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 11Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 89Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 91Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 93Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 88Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 84Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 47Crispy Prosciutto Cheesy White Lasagna  - 9