What bites? Well for one, the mosquitos here in Oregon. I honestly hate their tiny little guts. Those things are awful. I have bites all over me, and the itch. I swear I am going to scar my skin from all the scratching I am doing. So annoying.

Two? Fourth Of July was yesterday and today’s another workday. I feel like we got duped out of a true full on holiday weekend. I mean we had Thursday off, but then we have to go back on Friday? Such a bummer. Why not just make it a four-day weekend. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ah yes, please!

Really though I know who is bumming way more than me right now. My oldest brother, Creighton. Today is his Birthday and I am pretty sure the last thing he wanted to do today was get up and go to work. No, I take that back I am positive the last thing he wanted to do today was go to work. The Fourth of July is one of his favorite holidays. Mostly because it is back to back 4th of July parties coupled with birthday celebrations the next day.

To celebrate his birthday I really wanted to make him a cake, but I am a lousy little sis and never got around to it….. Yet! Trust me there will be a cake on this blog sometime this summer. To me summer is just not complete without at least a few good layer cakes. Every summer party my mom ever threw had a least one chocolate layer cake. She is famous for her chocolate cake. Trust me it is so darn good. It has been known to convert vanilla cake eaters to full and hard-core chocolate cake eaters. I am telling you, it has magic powers.

So no cake today, but I still have something awesome and easy. Which I am guessing is pretty much all you guys want to hear today. Late night fireworks and stomachs full of burgers, corn, cake and ice cream are probably leaving you a little tired. Or at least I am tired.

I pretty much spent all day playing around with my camera and trying to figure out this new lighting I have here in Mt. Hood. So not fun and way too stressful. Ugh, there is no light here. So frustrating.

Anyway, these granola bars are far from frustrating. They are delicious and healthy and energy boosting. Okay, well technically that is not proven, but I think so!

The popcorn is well, just awesome. White chocolate, vanilla, coconut oil and coffee. SO good. Plus they take like 10 minutes to make. YES!

Oh and happy, happy Birthday Creigh! To the rest you? Happy Friday, thank goodness!

Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 17Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 2Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 99Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 21Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 37Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 57Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 42Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 4Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 56Dark Chocolate Cappuccino Popcorn Granola Bars - 58