Well, aside from the fact that I actually made a salad for the blog (it’s kind of been a while). I find it really strange that my younger brother is getting is temps (driver’s learning permit) this week. Like what?!? How is he a teenager?? How can he almost drive?? It’s SCARY! Also, I hadn’t seen Red for a good two months and you know what happened? He left looking like the little Red I know, but he came home looking like Red the teenager. NOOO. I mean, I didn’t even realize I really cared until he actually started growing. Does this means I have to stop thinking of him as a kid and more of like, an equal?? Again, NOOO. Clearly I am having a hard time comprehending this all. It’s just, Red is always going to be my kid brother, you know? Can he really be growing up and no longer be a kid??!? Oh man, can you imagine me as a mom?? You think I am bad now, just wait till then. YIKES…

What hasn’t changed about Red though is that he still doesn’t have any interest in the food I make. Unless it’s chocolate chip cookies or chocolate cake, for which he is all game, but then, who wouldn’t be game for those?!? So yeah, he will not touch this Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad… even with the fries!! I tried, tried again and was denied. Instead he went for instant oatmeal. I mean really?? Now that is LAME. Whether little Red thinks so or not, this salad is kind of awesome. It’s basically a chicken gyro on a bed of lettuce, baby kale and basil, but with the addition of Caesar dressing (but not the scary kind!). I even made fresh pitas, for you know, scooping and such.

But can I tell you guys a story?? My first experience with caesar salad was kind of horrible. Basically I was shopping with my grandma and we needed fuel to continue on. SO we stopped for lunch, and me being the weird kid that I was, decided a salad sounded good. Only I had no idea what a caesar salad was…turns out it was delicious…but not so delicious coming up. Oh yes. I totally got food poisoning from that salad. Guys, to this day I have yet to order a caesar salad from a restaurant, they still scare me, but a homemade caesar salad, that I can totally do!! Honestly though, the idea of a traditional caesar salad kind of bores me. Fortunately, I had the idea to make a gyro inspired caesar. It’s kind of amazing, but then again, when anything is topped with fries, you know it’s going to be good!

So what do you say??? Salad Wednesday?!? Say yes! Say yes!!

Oh and yes, there are hard boiled eggs too. I can’t help it, I just kind of love eggs…and tomatoes. Aren’t they pretty though?!?

Do you see all that feta?? Best salad ever… feta, fried chicken and ok a little lettuce too…for good measure.

Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 86Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 70Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 5Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 71Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 29Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 88Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 92Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 49Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 91Greek Chicken Gyro Caesar Salad   Half Baked Harvest - 29