So excited that I really do not know how to convey my excitement. Does that make sense? I mean, if you could see me talking about this grilled pineapple caprese eggs benedict thing, you’d really understand just how much I love this recipe. Which, thinking about it now, if you could actually see me, I would be crazy embarrassed. OH MY GOSH, you’d realize just how much of a dork I am. Like, why is someone so excited about an eggs benedict recipe. I admit, it’s a little odd, but I’m also willing to admit that I AM more than a little odd.

So yeah, clearly excited about this recipe.

Also, I know I have said this probably one too many times over the last month, but my pineapple addiction is basically unstoppable. I want pineapple in everything…just not pineapples with seeds. I am SO not into that.

Ok SO. Here’s the deal. The whole idea for this recipe was built around the idea of a coconutty hollandaise.  If you haven’t noticed, I am in a tropical state of mind these days. I am pretty sure this is because my family is headed to Florida for Easter and anytime my mind starts thinking about Florida, I automatically go into a tropical food phase. Like I can’t think up any recipes that DON’T remind me of the tropics. Do you remember in June when I went to visit my grandma? Yeah, now you get it. I love tropical food. It’s fresh, fun and typically fruity (which I love).

I was loving the idea of a coconut style eggless hollandaise, so I went with it. From there, it’s was obvious that pineapple needed to be included and a pineapple caprese just sounded TOO good not to make.

The hollandaise is really simple to make. You just add some of my favorite coconut-almond milk to a blender with some flaked coconut, blanched almonds a few other ingredients and blend until super smooth. The longer you can blend this the better. It takes a while for the coconut to break down and puree, but when it does, it’s delish. You definitely need to enjoy coconut to be a fan of this hollandaise though, the coconut flavor really does shine through.

The rest is just grilling some bread (THE BEST) and pineapple (EVEN BETTER) and then putting it all together with some basil and poached eggs. It’s a pretty quick and painless meal to assemble and I am also thinking that it should probably be on everyone’s Easter menu. Yes, I have totally started thinking about Easter…you know I really love my holidays. In all seriousness though, no holiday is needed to make this. It’s easy enough to make any day, but definitely special enough for Easter!

SOOO, now I have to go make more. You see my Mom and brother are home from China!! Meaning, mom needs to try this and I need to hear all about their China trip. I do already know that Red got 4th place, which is pretty good considering he was the youngest competitor and highest scoring American. He also got an award for being the top young athlete. On a completely different note, I also heard the toilets over there are in the ground…with no toilet paper (my mom said she carried her own with her) …YIKES! I also need to let my mom know that under no circumstances can I ever take Asher to gymnastics class again, all the moms want to do is talk. Did I look approachable? Ahh, grumpy old me doesn’t really want to chat about THEIR kids. I would much rather watch Asher and type this post. UGH. I am so pleasant, right??! Ok, so sorry if this post is all over the place. I wrote half of it on the bleachers at the gym, all while attempting to keep one eye on Asher and one eye on the computer… and then well “socialize” as well. Didn’t do such a great job. Oh well. Just make the grilled pineapple caprese eggs benedict and all will be good…

As long as you douse the whole thing in that coconuty hollandaise. Deal? Awesome!  

Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 68Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 24Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 65Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 13Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 99Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 80Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 14Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 52Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 37Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 4Grilled Pineapple Caprese Eggs Benedict  HBH - 3