Can you blame me though? The grocery stores and farmers markets are basically bursting with fresh fruits and veggies, they have me SO excited! Apparently I’m all about galettes this week as well. Honestly, I’ve made at least four in the last three days. NO JOKING around. Two of this pretty heirloom tomato galette, and two berry and one apple galettes. I know, I know, that’s A LOT of galettes, but it’s a busy week… Speaking of which, did you guys happen to catch me on Facebook Live over on the Food Network’s Facebook Page on Monday? I made mango salsa and answered a whole bunch of questions, it was really fun! If you want to watch it, you can see it here. Don’t read the comments though, cause well, you get some nice ones and some not so nice ones…UGH. Sorry I didn’t look all that cute. I had literally been working in the kitchen all day long, so it wasn’t my finest outfit, hair or make-up moment. And yes, the cat totally jumped on the counter and people were freaking out about it. And yes, the rooster crowed like five times, but oddly most people seemed to be OK with that. I know it probably wasn’t my readers leaving mean comments, but to those out there that said Food Network could do better and that I am boring, well, no one asked you to watch, just turn it off. And honestly, don’t you have anything better to do with your life than take time to bash on someone who works really hard at what she does, basically 24/7? For those of you who left incredibly kind comments, THANK YOU! You guys are the best! More to come on the whole Food Network topic, but expect to see me on the Food Network’s Snapchat Discover channel come August. 🙂

OK. SO let’s just dive right into this recipe today because I have yet another big day of filming ahead! First, how pretty is this heirloom tomato and zucchini galette? Just like yesterday’s Summer Fruit Plate, when I finished taking photos of this galette I was in the happiest mood. Pretty food just does that to me, and it’s a huge bonus that it also tastes incredibly delicious!! I will not lie though, the first time I made this, it was not so good. One, I must have used some bad tomatoes, which really throws the entire thing off. Two, I didn’t cut the zucchini into small enough slices, so they where kind of flavorless. And three, there just was not nearly enough cheese. Even though the first galette was not all that awesome, I was totally not ready to give up. I mean, I NEEDED to make this work because I needed to photograph all those pretty heirloom tomatoes.

SO, I adjusted the recipe a bit by adding plenty more cheese, caramelizing up some onions… for a touch more flavor, slicing that zucchini a bit smaller, and I got some of the best tasting tomatoes! And guess what?!?! I had SUCCESS! Yeah!

I mean, how could I not? Buttery dough, blue cheese, cheddar cheese, caramelized onion, honey, roasted zucchini + tomatoes and fresh thyme? YUM. I also topped my galette with a handful of fresh heirloom cherry tomatoes for a nice texture variation and little added prettiness. Perfection! I highly recommend making this. Like maybe tonight? Think of it as a fancy (personal?!) pizza! <–DO IT! Alright, see you guys on snapchat today with behind the scenes snaps! Wish me luck!

Galette Wednesday for the win. PS. haters be gone…and go find something better to do with your life. ?

Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 92Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 74Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 64Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 92Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 15Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 92Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 42Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 98Heirloom Tomato and Zucchini Galette with Honey   Thyme  - 24