***Special Note: I am over on the Food Network Snapchat Discover Channel today making an end of Summer Ramen Noodle Soup! Be sure to head over and check out the video on Food Networks Discover Snapchat! 🙂 *** I just can’t help it, I mean, it is peak tomato season after all. And umm, well I may be sharing a few more before the season is over!! Please tell me you guys are still loving the tomatoes?!? Ok and also? I feel like our Monday needs a good pasta meal, you know? Weekends are fun, but they make Monday a little brutal. However, somehow when pasta is involved all is right with the world. Or at least that’s the way I look at it. 🙂
Speaking of the weekend, how was everyone’s? Mine started off on the slow side, thanks to a little sleep deprivation, but fortunately I got a second wind. All in all it was pretty good…except for when the rooster attacked me. Ugh. That was not fun. You guys, I kind of really dislike our rooster. I mean, I know that roosters in general are known to be a little mean, but you’d think by now he would leave me the heck alone. I was trying to collect eggs on Saturday and he just wasn’t pleased about that. Of course he got me when my back was turned. From there it was what I’d call a total “girl fight”, meaning arms flying through the air and feet kicking…yes, I am serious. I looked ridiculous, and basically the rooster won, cause I got my butt outta there as quick as possible. I know it seems crazy to think that a rooster could be so forceful, but I don’t think you can ever fully understand until you encounter one. They are oddly strong and somehow manage to fly right into your face. You also have to be kind of careful, because well, you don’t actually want to hurt him. My dad says the key is to walk straight at him, but ahh, I just do not think I am big enough to intimidate him. Trust me, that just does not work for me. Every time I try I end up with a rooster in my face, and it’s not pleasant. I wish I could say I am exaggerating, but as pathetic as this all sounds, it’s completely true. In the morning when I let the chickens out of their hen-house, I now bolt for the door because at seven in the morning I just really don’t want to have a face off with a mean bird. I know, I know, this sounds so pitiful. Let’s just say I’m really happy that I don’t live in an area populated with many people, cause man, that would be so embarrassing to have people watch that spectacle. Ahh… and I’m now realizing that it’s pretty embarrassing that I even told you all! OK, I am gonna be done with the rooster topic now.
So Heirloom Tomato Pomodoro Penne Pasta, let’s chat about it! First, how annoyed would you all be if I started coming out with a new pasta recipe each week? For some reason my mind has just been filled with pasta ideas. Like I have SO many new and delicious pasta recipes ideas that I want to share. I fear it’s too much pasta, but then, can there ever really be too much pasta? In my world, that would be a definite NO, but I dunno about the rest of you. I know, I maybe like carbs a little too much… Anyway, my point is that I have pasta on the brain. I think it has something to do with these cooler and slightly shorter days we are having. It’s making me crave the cozier fall foods. Don’t worry, I haven’t cracked open a can of pumpkin yet, but I might be starting to brainstorm a few fall recipes…I mean, it is getting kind of close after all.
Alright, so in an effort to use up some heirloom tomatoes I had sitting on my counter, I thought I would make a quick Pomodoro style pasta sauce. Instead of using canned tomatoes, I used fresh heirloom tomatoes. It’s a super simple recipe, but you guys, it is INSANELY delicious. The secret is definitely in the tomatoes…okok, and in all those parmesan rinds you will add to the sauce. Gotta have the parmesan rinds, it’s a must and really adds the flavor needed to create such an amazing sauce. So really all you needs for this recipe is… …olive oil …garlic …really good, fresh tomatoes …fresh basil …carrots, for a little sweetness …parmesan cheese + the cheese rinds …kosher salt + black pepper …crushed red pepper flakes …penne …butter …ricotta cheese Pretty basic ingredients, right?? Promise, put umm all together and you’ll have the most delicious, fast and easy meal!! Perfect for Monday night, right? I’m thinking so! 🙂
Yup, Monday dinner perfection…all the pasta please! PS. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite blogger for the Bloglovin 2016 awards…Half Baked Harvest is nominated for best food blog, yeah!! PSS. I’ve also been nominated for the SAVEUR Magazine 2016 Blog Awards for Most Inspired Weeknight Dinners! I would be so grateful if you would go and vote for your favorite. You can vote everyday from now until August 31st! ?