I never met a ravioli I didn’t like, but guys? I LOVE this ravioli recipe. It’s true perfection, mouth wateringly delicious, and just beyond words good. Really, I just LOVE it, and that’s kind of all you have to know. But you know me, I have lots more to say. Before I dive into the inspiration and details behind this recipe though, a little real life talk. If all you want is the recipe, no worries, just click the skip to recipe button above. I feel like things have gotten so busy in the last year or so and I haven’t actually talked about “life” with you guys all that much. Sure I write Sunday’s Favorite’s posts (which are my favorite to put together) and those are full of what’s happening behind the scenes, what’s going on in my life, and what I am loving. The Sunday posts are fun and detailed (and take me forever to put together), but I miss writing about my day-to-day life in these recipe focused posts. Today I’m bringing the chatter back. Honestly just because I want to, I need to write and talk and be real and vent… I’ve been working away for the last two hours on Thanksgiving content (yes, you read that correctly) and feeling uninspired. Thanksgiving is my one of my favorite times and I love creating holiday content, so it’s bumming me out that my inspiration is lacking. I just spent the last two hours thinking negatively towards everything I am currently doing in work and life, all because I wasn’t loving my ideas for the upcoming holiday. Nothing is creative enough, nothing is pretty enough, nothing is easy enough, nothing is good enough, etc. Why? One word. Comparison.
It’s the most defeating set back in the world, and whenever I let myself play the comparison game, I always lose. The bottom line is that there will always be someone doing something more amazing, more beautiful, and someone who seems to have it all together. But what I need to remember most is that what I’m doing is unique, amazing, and beautiful too. And also? No one has it all together. The pictures displayed for us through the camera lens are just that, pictures, captures of a specific moment in time. What’s actually happening outside the camera’s frame can be a completely different story. I think this is something we all need to remember, especially when we find ourselves comparing ourselves to others. In writing this all out, I’m realizing that what I really need to be doing is pushing the negative talk out of my head and replacing it with positive. So with that, here are three things that I really love about myself. Wow. That took me a looonnngg time to write, but I’m glad I did. Sometimes all it takes to step out of a negative place is to force yourself to think a little more positively. Or call your mom and talk it out. Not going to lie, that’s normally my go-to, but tonight I felt like writing. I realize a lot of this is all over the place and so very random, but this is real life, I feel like I know you guys, and I hope that it shows you we all have bad days. Sometimes you just have to push through, or as I like to say, “just keep swimming, swimming, swimming”. Anyway, I’ll stop my weird rambling now, but please let me know how you deal with comparison, negative talk, and feeling uninspired. Always love to read your tips and advice!
Ok. Switching gears and turning my focus back to this delicious ravioli. This is maybe not the prettiest ravioli I’ve ever made, but you know, I kind of think it’s moodiness is really nice and fitting for these September days. It’s warm, cozy, inviting, and I am into it. And regardless of its beauty, most importantly, it’s delicious, easy, and I feel pretty confident that you guys will love it just as much as I do. For whatever reason, I felt very inspired to make ravioli on Monday (as in this past Monday, as in Labor day…because I am never not working). I really just wanted to make pasta dough, roll it out and stuff it with cheese. Something about this time of year always leaves me wanting to spend a little more hands on time in the kitchen. It probably helps that we’ve had periods each day lately that are kind of dark and dreary, perfect for staying cozied up in the warm kitchen. Plus, whenever I’m feeling anxious, I love just spending time cooking. It’s such a good creative outlet for me. I was overly anxious about a shoot we have next week, so some stress relieving time in the kitchen just made sense.
The details. I made a very simple cheese ravioli, but you can also just use your favorite store-bought ravioli. I love Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s options. If you’d like to spend a little extra time in the kitchen however, make either this taleggio cheese ravioli or this ricotta one. Both are delicious. I used the ricotta base for this recipe. What this recipe is really about though is the mushroom sauce. Oh my gosh, best mushroom sauce ever. Caramelized shallots, mixed wild mushrooms, garlic, herbs, balsamic and butter. Simple, but perfect, and SO GOOD spooned over this cheesy ravioli. The shallots are key here. I just got into cooking with shallots and it’s safe to say that I’m very obsessed. It’s hard to explain, but there’s something very special about caramelized shallots. So much flavor, but it’s subtle and not overpowering. I love it paired with the buttery mushrooms and herbs in this recipe.
If you are using store-bought ravioli, or have homemade, frozen ravioli on hand, this entire meal will come together in under thirty minutes, making it perfect for any night of the week. Whether you need a quick Thursday night meal, or a fun Saturday dinner party dish, this recipe is perfect for either. Also! If you wanted to add something green (I mean, other than the herbs), I think some sautéed kale or spinach would be really great! Or just a yummy side salad. OK, and with that, I think I am out of words for the day (or night in my case). Sorry for all the rambling today, BUT, I do hope you guys enjoy this easy, cozy ravioli recipe. Again, it’s truly a great one, and I think it makes for a pretty good Thursday night dinner. Just saying. Enjoy. Enjoy.
If you make this herby buttered balsamic mushroom ravioli, please be sure to leave a comment and/or give this recipe a rating! I love hearing from you guys and always do my best to respond to each and every one of you. And of course, if you do make this recipe, don’t forget to also tag me on Instagram so I can see! Looking through the photos of recipes you all have made is my favorite!