Soo back about two weeks ago now, I had my wisdom teeth pulled. If you read regularly then you know all about this. I complained and complained for days and days. The good news is, I am finally starting to feel semi normal again and back to my old self. BUT when I couldn’t chew a single thing, I was all about smoothies, and this Mango Spinach Smoothie quickly became my favorite. Nutrition wise, it gave me all the things I needed… veggies, fruits, loads of good fats and antioxidants. I swear, this smoothie kept me alive for the first week…the best part … it’s also DELICIOUS! So I didn’t mind drinking it… for like every meal. I loaded this green smoothie with all of my favorite things… …mango …spinach …passionfruit …coconut …vanilla …maca powder If you wanted to bump up the protein you could also add a scoop of almond butter or like 1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt. Simple, SIMPLE, so yummy and good for us. YEAH!!

Smoothie Sunday for the win! 🙂

Mango Spinach Smoothie  - 81Mango Spinach Smoothie  - 97Mango Spinach Smoothie  - 88Mango Spinach Smoothie  - 98Mango Spinach Smoothie  - 24Mango Spinach Smoothie  - 27Mango Spinach Smoothie  - 99