BEETS!! Yes, beets. I feel like there are so many people who fear beets, me being one of them, that is of course until I made this pasta! Now I still can’t say how I feel about raw beets, or even steamed beats, but roasted beets? YES. Roasted beets are amazing, they’re everything to me right now. Pumpkin and I are still totally having a thing, BUT beets… well they are slowly catching up. I will not lie, I do think that at least 30% of why I am loving beets so much is their beyond gorgeous colors. Like I cannot tell you how much fun I had photographing these beets. Such a dork, I know.
So lets just get right down to it today. It all starts with roasted beets and ends with pasta + brie. I mean, could Wednesday dinner be looking any better right now? I think not. I’m also loving the pasta these days. Like I really just want to eat all foods with pasta. I think it’s the cold chill in the air. It makes me crave pasta, it’s such a total comfort food for me. And yup, this is another thing I get from my mom. Get this, so the other night I actually didn’t have any food to send over to the family for dinner. You know what my mother did? She ate her all time favorite meal – angel hair with butter + salt. Dead serious, I think she would choose this meal over most things I make. At heart that women is one bland eater.
Well I guess I know where my brothers get it from. Anyway, this miso browned butter and brie pasta is so simple, yet so delicious! I cannot express my pleasure with it enough. It’s the perfect meal to eat from now through the holidays…hello are you looking at these festive colors? I didn’t mean for that to happen, but I kind of love that it did. Holiday freak over here.
Okay, so we talked about my beets – and my major affection for them at the moment, now let’s get to the other really good stuff – the butter, the miso, the pasta and the brie. Winning combo. Best combo. Combo to love. TRUTH. If you are unfamiliar with miso, think of it as a salty condiment that, if you ask me, should really be getting a lot more attention in American cooking. It’s beyond delicious in both sweet and savory foods and it has become a secret weapon for me when I want to add great flavor to a dish, but yet not overpower it. The combo of miso, brown butter and brie is one for the books. Like if I did not already have my cookbook recipes set, this recipe would for sure be going in the book. It’s that good guys! After the butter, miso, pasta and brie you just top everything off with sage and toasted walnuts. Gimme another bowl. Please and thank you!
And you know what, this is a simple recipe too! Not too many ingredients, no crazy ingredients, and easy to prep. Yes! I love when that happens! Roast the beets in the oven, boil some pasta, brown some butter, add in some herbs, beets greens, a little garlic and then the miso. Next add the pasta and the brie, toss it all together, and last up… add in the beets! Then EAT… eat with a glass of wine, a beer, a sparkling water (that’s me!) or whatever drink you please. Just dig in, twirl it up, slurp it… heck eat it with your hands, anyway you choose will be SO GOOD. Well…maybe don’t eat it with your hands, cause really a fork would be so much better. Plus I kind of like cleans hands…just saying.
Oh, and serve this pasta in a BIG bowl people… it’s the ONLY way to go. <–FACT.