I am kind of wishing that today was a holiday like it was last Monday. Having that extra day of the weekend is the nicest thing ever and then what is even better, when Tuesday rolls around it feels like Monday, and then the whole week just seem to fly by. I mean, you all understand what I am talking about right?
At least now the weather is finally getting nice and school is out for my siblings. Well really just Asher and I guess Kai – he just graduated. Sadly, Red is still trying to catch up (he will be the rest of the summer) from all the traveling and the extremely small amount of schoolwork he accomplished over the winter. Anyway, weekends are just that much better now, more relaxed, less rushed and it is SO nice having it stay light until so late.
Let’s see, other things that are happening over here? Well my grandma, my oldest brother, my second oldest brother and his girlfriend (maybe girlfriend? Not sure? ) are all rolling into town on Wednesday. I know I already said this last week, but OMG we have no room in this house for eleven people. I am starting to freak a little, but mostly because that is way too many people invading my kitchen space. Getting work done is going to be the hardest thing ever. Stressing.
Also, my mom has spent the whole weekend trying to de-bachelorize the house because one, this is the first time my Mimi has ever been to our house… and to Colorado for that matter, and two, this is the first time my Mimi has ever stayed over at our house (we used to live in the same town). Mimi is my dad’s mom, so my mom is going a little above and beyond her normal routine for guests (my parents have been married for 30 years this Christmas – come on what does she think my Mimi is going to do!). Meaning she is rearranging furniture, buying furniture (like whole new beds and tables and things) and cleaning her little heart out. This behavior was normal back when we lived in Ohio and mom would host all the family parties, but since moving to Colorado and not having any family around, this is just a little odd.
I have to say though, I don’t mind the cleaning and new furniture. One, I love a clean house that doesn’t reek of boys, and two, the new furniture is actually pretty cute. Too bad the moment my Mimi leaves it will be back to just “living with a bunch of boys” again.
Ok, that makes it sound worse than it really is. Really only the downstairs is bachelor pad-ish, because that is where the boys rooms are. I just try to avoid going downstairs at all cost. The rest of the house is typically pretty clean….unless you walk into the kitchen around the six-ish hour and I haven’t started cleaning up the days mess yet. Then you might just wish you never walked in because I will probably put you to work doing dishes.
Let’s talk salad though. Monday salad!! Yes, this is a good thing. Umm, hello?!? Pistachio crusted fried goat cheese!! It’s amazing. Plus, it makes you want to eat salad like every. single. day. So once again, this salad has fruit in it. FYI – I am still obsessing over the summer fruits. I cannot get enough. I am actually starting to fear that your guys are going to get sick of all the mangos, pineapple, strawberries (and every other berry for that matter). I am just so excited. I can’t help it. Basically I am like a kid in a candy store.
This salad seems like it might be a lot of work because of the ingredients, but I promise you it’s really not that bad. Basically the chicken gets marinated in spices, lemon juice and olive oil. You make a simple vinaigrette, grill some chicken, fry some goat cheese and throw it all together. Nothing a summer night can’t handle. Especially if you start marinating the chicken in the morning before work. Then you will be all ready to go come dinner time. <–hint, this is the way to go. Also, this salad is so fresh and summery. And another little tip? Rub your naan with some olive oil, fresh herb and garlic. Then throw it on a the grill for a minute. SO GOOD.
Oh, and if you make the naan, I would suggest making extra. It’s great for breakfast, lunch or dinner and somehow… it just doesn’t last very long!