I mean I know on Friday I told you guys about those Banana Bread Pancakes with the Vanilla Coconut Drizzle, but really those so do not count. I mean, one they are healthy (no really they are, just check out the ingredients). Two, um they are for breakfast. Yeah, those defiantly do not count. So I made some seriously gooey bars. Oatmeal Chocolate Carmel Bars. Or if you eat them hot they’re more like seriously gooey chocolate oatmeal cake. It is pretty awesome.
I am kind of out things to say today. No wacky family stories. Well, actually I have one, but if I told you, you might judge my parents (not really, but maybe) in the wrong way. I guess this would depend on how strict of parents you are. Let’s just say my brothers get to do a whole lot that I am guessing most 12 (yup 12) and 17 years olds do not get to do. So I will keep that one to myself (I promise nothing that breaks the law). Ok, they are going to kill me.
Sometimes I just have a blank mind with no significant thoughts. By the time I get to writing my actual post (usually while in bed), the thoughts going through my head are pretty primal. “Man I am so tired” or “Geez, is this girl (Asher) ever going to stop talking?”. Really, she never stops talking. Right up until the time she finally crashes, on my shoulder, as I am writing the post. The worst part is that I had this great idea for what I was going to talk about today when I was hiking. But I forgot it, along with the mango at the grocery store. Does this happen to anyone else, cause I seem to forget a lot of things lately.
Well, at least I remembered to tell you guys about these bars, cause they are good. Chocolate + caramel = gooey, sticky, chocolatey deliciousness.
Personally, I think they are best right out of the oven, when you have to eat them with a spoon. But they are still awesome once they have cooled. Either way, just give them a try. You won’t be sorry you did.
I am going to stop babbling now! Shared with: Inside BruCru Life, Lil Luna, Chef In Training, Buns In my Oven, Foodie Friday Friends, Tidy Mom, Taste and Tell, Cheerios and Lattes, Somewhat Simple, Mom on Timeout, I Heart Nap Time, Fine Craft Guide, The Country Cook, Whipperberry, Chef In Training