And Happy 19th Birthday to my brother, who is closest in age to me, Kai (Malachi)!! I can already tell it’s going to be a pretty awesome week. For one, it’s a super short week, so we have that going for us (hello four-day weekend!). Two, Thursday we get to eat till we just can’t eat anymore (bring on all the butternut squash, pomegranate salad and um pies!) and then Friday is the official start to the Christmas season. I mean, over here we have officially been going hard-core Christmas since Saturday when we cut down the Christmas tree. But that’s just us, or the girls of the family anyway. I mean, it’s been like a winter wonderland here so it’s pretty hard NOT to get in the spirit. All the boys are disgusted in us, if it where up to them they’d put the tree up on Christmas Eve. They are all a bunch of Scrooges if you ask me. But whatever, this week is still all about Thanksgiving… ok, maybe a little Christmas talk, but then back to Thanksgiving!!
Some years, our house is full of people for Thanksgiving and some years it is super small. Of course the year I do not even have a working oven, our table is pretty full. Not huge or anything, but still full. All of my siblings will be here so that’s nine of us, plus Blake who should probably just change his last name to Gerard by now and then three guests. There could definitely be more added on, but as of right now this is the head count. Guaranteed there will be a handful of last-minute people who show up needing a good meal though. It happens every year. Especially since we eat dinner pretty late in the day. Like 7:30pm or 8:00pm. This gives people time to finds us, get comfy and stay a while. Mom and I always shoot for seven, but then gravy happens and well we honestly both suck at gravy so we never end up eating till like eight. But it’s ok because we kind of like late meals over here.
Also, it’s gonna be a crockpot Thanksgiving….should be interesting.
I wasn’t really sure I’d have a ton of turkey leftovers this year because I honestly never do, so I made some turkey breast the other week for the sole purpose of making this tamale pie. I have been thinking about it ever since October 31st. Waiting till Thanksgiving for this was not an option. When cheesy polenta is involved you know it’s going to be good. Just sayin. This pie could not be more perfect for the day after Thanksgiving dinner. It feeds all those lingering guests and it’s so easy to make. Plus, it’s saucy, creamy, cheesy and delicious. Perfect cozy, family comfort food. It’s like a tamale, but better if you ask me, because well, you don’t have to do all the work of real tamales. FYI – if you’ve never made tamales before – they are work. I tried a few Christmases ago to make them for twenty plus people and I have regretted it ever since. So I now make tamale burrito bowls and tamale pies to get my tamale fix. It’s brilliant. <–Been watching too many Jamie Oliver you tube videos apparently. I made this two ways, one family style and one, in cute little individual skillets. The mini skillets make such a fun presentation, but for some reason they didn’t seem to be as saucy as the big family style pie. Either way is good, but if you are only serving four, the skillets are always a crowd pleaser.
If you’re not cooking a turkey this year or you just don’t have any turkey leftovers, use chicken. Don’t let a lack of leftovers stop you from making this. This One-Pot Cheesy Turkey Tamale Pie is too good, and way too easy. You just need one-pot, one mixing bowl and an oven. Oh what I would do for an oven! Did I mention that if one of you guys somehow manages to get me an oven (by Thanksgiving) I will send you cookies in the mail for like a year? I really will. And with that I am done. I need to go buy some crockpots or mini ovens or something to cook all my sides in. The turkey’s getting cooked in this thing. OMG. Someone send help (or ovens!).
Ok, now let’s grab some forks already!