Today, for the first time this year, I finally started to see buds on the trees outside my windows. YAY!! They have been bare since the end of September. I swear, I have been waiting for the return of color for far too long. I feel like this might be a sign that maybe these thunder/snow/storms and consistent state of cold and little sunshine may be ending soon. Like I can feel it. The summer vibes are coming…I hope.
No but really, I am crazy excited about these new buds on my trees. Soon they will be green leaves and I will be so happy.
So I made us a little twist on a summer ice cream classic. As a kid I wasn’t the hugest fan of mint chocolate chip ice cream, but only because there was never enough chocolate chips and the whole mint plus chocolate thing was never my favorite. I have since learned that I was really just eating lame mint chocolate chip ice cream and that if you eat real deal mint chocolate chip ice cream it is delicious! Real deal meaning actual mint leaves… no green food coloring with a few chocolate chips scattered throughout.
When I decided it was time I make my own mint chocolate chip ice cream, I wanted to do something a little different with it, but still keep those classic flavors intact AND somehow maintain that green color without using green food coloring.
That’s when pistachios came into my mind. I am sure this has been done before, but I have never had it or really even seen it either, so I went with it, which is kind of odd since lately I have been second guessing everything. Actually, I sort of feel like I am in this creativity rut and nothing I do is any good or very creative. I really hope I snap out of it soon because creativity ruts are ZERO fun and way too time consuming. The whole second guessing thing takes too much thought, energy and time.
But this pistachio mint chip ice cream… It’s super creamy and packed full of minty, pistachio and chocolate flavor. Kind of the perfect combo if you ask me. I used an egg custard base because personally egg custards are my all time favorite. I know some people are really into using a cream cheese base, but I love the texture, creaminess and richness that eggs give the ice cream. I promise, it’s nothing hard, but this recipe does require an ice cream maker and time for the ice cream to sit and chill, so plan ahead.
Other than that, it’s easy peasy.
Oh, and clearly triple scooped and chocolate dipped waffle cones are the only way to go.
I mean, it’s Friday, live a little. PS. Sorry for all the random stories this week. Hopefully next week my brain and thoughts will be a little more focused…it’s wishful thinking, but my fingers are crossed!