You with me or what? Because it’s finally ice cream time and my excitement is through the roof. Like, let’s do this Memorial Day thing and do it right! ? Also, after spending Wednesday in NYC (more on that little adventure next week!) and feeling the sunshine and 89 degree temperatures on my skin, I’m feeling like we could all just use some ice cream already! Even if it may still be a little chilly where you are. Um…it snowed here last night…what?!?!? BUT… the weekend is supposed to be sunny with temps in the low 60’s. Either way, ice cream is always a welcomed treat for me, especially over Memorial Day weekend. Double also, Asher gets out of school for the summer in exactly ONE week. Whoa. For some reason this just snuck up on me. I mean, I knew it was coming up, but man, it really is almost summertime!

Since I am quite obviously so excited, I have to ask YOU… what are you guys most excited to do (or maybe not to do) in the upcoming summer months? What’s on your agenda? Any fun trips planned? Need to get caught up on work? 🙁 Any plans on growing a garden? How about getting in as much chill time as possible? Or maybe just eating boatloads of ice cream?!? Most of those sound awesome to me! I need to finish up the cookbook in the first half of the summer, but I’ll also have some fun things going on behind the scenes here as well. Taking Asher to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is also a must. Of course I would love to just chill in a chair in the hot sun by a pool, but I highly doubt time will permit another trip. And outdoor pools are pretty much non-existent up here in the mountains. Hopefully we’ll catch some warm and sunny weather on our trip to Harry Potter la la land, which yes, I am beyond excited about. I’m thinking that trip probably won’t happen till mid July or later though, since I really HAVE to finish up the cookbook! Anyway, I seriously want to know what you guys are up to. I love to hear about summer adventures and potential plans for tropical chill!

OKok. Let’s talk about these Salted Pretzel Nutella Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches (whew!). Do they sound awesome or what?!? When the flavors popped into my head and I sent them over in a text message to my mom, I knew right away this was my Memorial Day ice cream sandwich. You just cannot beat the flavors of salty and sweet….and basically anything paired with a chocolate chip cookie is going to be delish! So I took that concept and I made ice cream sandwich. YESSS. Here’s how they go… …salty, buttery, chocolate chip pretzel cookies. …thick layer of Nutella, and I do mean THICK. …giant scoop of chocolate fudge ice cream, or maybe chocolate brownie ice cream, or maybe cookie dough ice cream? The options are endless here. …another cookie, with another layer of Nutella..obviously. EAT. Simple, perfect and basically the best thing you’ll consume this Memorial Day weekend. TRUTH. Best part about these sandwiches? Or maybe the most dangerous part? You can have them in your hands and ready for eating in just about thirty to forty minutes. Honestly, we really should get up and make these RIGHT now and just call it a four-day weekend. I am so down with that! Yes, let’s do that! You guys want to make these over on Snapchat today?!? I feel like this would be a REALLY fun thing to make today… yes, Ice Cream Sandwich Friday! Ok, that’s it, I’m sold, let’s make them. Sometime today, probably this afternoon, I will be making these with you guys on Snapchat. Just follow @hbharvest and prepare for some serious chocolate…and a lot of me embarrassing myself. 🙂 So see you there?!?!

I’ll be the one covered in chocolate…of course.

Salted Pretzel Nutella Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches  - 79Salted Pretzel Nutella Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches  - 96Salted Pretzel Nutella Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches  - 81Salted Pretzel Nutella Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches  - 6Salted Pretzel Nutella Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches  - 43Salted Pretzel Nutella Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches  - 18