And pomegranate season! And roasting season!! YES. YES. YES! And thankfully, it’s always pineapple season. Just making sure we’re clear on that, cause you know my pineapple obsession is REAL. Like I currently have three sitting on my counter and one cut in my fridge. Yes, I will eat them/use them, all before they go bad. <–Truth. So back to all this winter squash that’s starting to overflow in my grocery store. I am SO into it, and yes, I have at least four acorn squash and four butternut squash sitting in my pantry. Clearly I like to be fully stocked. Just take a look at my pantry (you’ll get chance on Friday). It’s currently filled to capacity. Actually we just did a huge Costco run and bought WAY too much stuff…for waaay too much money. BUT, my pantry shelves are full and this just makes me happy inside. 🙂 Yeah, I know, weirdo.

SIDE NOTE: It was my birthday on Tuesday (I am kind of birthday shy, which is why I did not mention it) and my brother Brendan got me this super cute cowboy hat and a really creepy toy soldier that he snuck onto my desk while I was not looking. It’s staring at me now, and well… it’s just uncomfortable. Like its eyes, they move… CREEPY. But the best gift was surely Asher’s. She framed a picture she made that has the words “I Love You” over a photo of her holding out her arms for a hug. If you follow me on Snapchat than you got to see a pic of it. Cutest thing ever!

So this fish recipe. My dad says this is his favorite fish recipe to date! WHOA! And get this, for the longest time he also said that he really dislikes all white fish because it’s boring. He also said that he has never liked a fish cooked in the oven. WHOA! I totally changed his thinking with this recipe, and to say that I am pumped would be and understatement. It’s kind of an Asian meets fall flavors recipes. I know that sounds a little weird, but it works. The fish is a little spicy and full of a delicious cilantro chile sauce. There is a little ginger, fish sauce, garlic and allspice going on too. YUM. But the shinning star here is the acorn squash/pineapple. It MAKES the recipe complete. So flipping good. And simple too! Oh, and did I mention that you only need ONE PAN to make this entire meal?? Yep, just one pan! I know, so awesome. Practically no dishes. Thank God.

Oh and to finish, I added some pomegranate arils because well, it just felt so right. Beyond excited that these autumn beauties are back in season. They are my FAVORITE! Prepare for a pomegranate overload then next few months. YAY!

But really, you need to make this slow roasted cod with brown sugar pineapple glazed acorn squash (whew!), it’s going to make you SO happy. No really, like it’s going to make you smile. 🙂

Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 1Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 65Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 44Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 45Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 55Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 3Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 58Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 36Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 73Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 44Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 73Slow Roasted Cod with Brown Sugar Pineapple Glazed Acorn Squash   HBH - 50