When you think of Christmas, how do you picture it? In my head, it is a winter wonderland full of snow, hot chocolate and marshmallows. Oh, and of course, the North Pole, Santa, his elves and his reindeer. No, I am not five. I am just currently stuck in a five-year old’s brain and always will be when it comes to all things Christmas.
Ok, now another question. Picture this, it is freezing cold outside and snowing like crazy. You make a warm fire and a stifling hot cup of hot chocolate and settle down right next to your brightly lit up Christmas tree. Ok, now this picture is already sounding pretty cozy and kind of like my dream night (or really anytime of the day).
So now for the question. What is the one thing that could make that picture better?
Ah huh. Sugar cookies!
The look of this cupcake has been in my head for the longest time now, but it was only a week ago that I finally nailed down what flavor I wanted my North Pole look-alike cupcakes to be. Obviously, this idea came to me during a very snowy and picture perfect Christmasy morning hike.
Do not let the long recipe scare you off. These are pretty easy and I gave you not one, but two frosting choices. A buttery, vanillay buttercream and a marshmallow frosting. Both are delicious, but if you are looking to go the easier route go for the buttercream. Sometime marshmallow frosting can be a little temperamental.
Normally I am not into using food colorings, but for these I just could not resist doing a red and white swirl. It was a must for my “North Pole” themed cupcake. I still cannot believe how easy it was to swirl the colors together.
All you need to do is add the red frosting to one piping bag and the vanilla frosting to another piping bag. Then place both bags into another large bag and use whatever tip you would like (I use the Wilton 1M) and swirl away. I swear, it really does work and if you are looking for something even easier you can buy this piping bag from Sur La Table that would probably be really helpful, especially if swirled frosting is a big part of your holiday baking plans.
Next break some candy canes in half, dip the top in frosting and roll the frosting in some silver sprinkles. Now all you need to do is stick the poles right in the center of the cupcake and there you go. You have yourself your own little piece of Santa’s workshop. YES! So cheesy….I know, but it is Christmas!
I would recommend drizzling the extra ganache all over the cupcake right before eating. It is SO good.
Oh, oh, oh and you could even add some crushed candy canes on top of the frosting. I would have, but I am just not the biggest peppermint/candy cane fan. I know, what!?!? Sorry, it is just not my thing…..yet! I have been known to change my tune about certain foods.
Oh and that layer of ganache you see there? It is my favorite!