Spring inspired super green pea and asparagus burrata pizza, YESSS! We need pizza this week, trust me, we do! But um, here’s the deal. With this pizza, we are not just celebrating spring, but also the fact you guys literally brought me to tears (the good kind) with your comments on Monday’s post. I don’t want to spend this whole post talking about the cookbook, but I just have to say that everyone’s incredibly kind comments were the best thing to ever happen. Just wow – and thank you! I am still in shock over your excitement for the cookbook…and I am still reading through all the comments. As I write this post, there are already over eight hundred comments….soo ahhh yeah, it’s going to take me a second or two to read through each and every one, but I will!! I am just so grateful you guys, and cannot wait for you to see the book in full!! Very excited about it! Anyway, thank you again! Expect more book updates very soon!

And with that, on to pizza!! I have been planning on sharing this pizza for a while, but today just seemed like the perfect time. To me, pizza is celebration food, and with spring here, plus the cookbook cover reveal, and the weekend just ahead of us, this pizza seemed to fit just perfectly for today. You guys know I love a good pizza. I’ve made many here on the blog…and yes, there are plenty in the upcoming cookbook, but currently, I am all about this spring pizza. Hello BURRATA…aka my favorite cheese! Plus lots of asparagus, which is one of my favorite veggies…that I somehow just never seem to get enough of. Here’s how this pizza comes together. First up is the lemon pepper basil vinaigrette. This is key, it’s fresh and light, and adds the bulk of the flavor in this pizza. Think super lemony with a hit of pepper and a touch of sweetness and tons of basil. It’s the perfect base, but the leftovers are also great on roasted veggies, meats and salads. Spread the vinaigrette all over your pizza dough and then top with thin asparagus spears and fresh peas. For the peas, I used a mix of sugar snap peas and frozen peas. I LOVED the roasted sugar snap peas and highly recommend using them over frozen. They just hold up much better to the heat and taste amazing with a little char…plus the burrata and asparagus that goes on next pairs perfectly with them. They are the best combo. I also added fresh prosciutto, watercress and some chives. Oh, and I almost forgot about the feta! Oh yes, there is feta too, and yes, it’s amazing. The saltiness in the feta balances out the savory flavors of the green veggies and with all that lemon going on too? Yup, it’s pretty much just perfection.

I’m thinking that because this pizza is so loaded with green things and bright colors that it totally counts as healthy, don’t you guys agree? I mean, I know there is cheese and carbs, but if you make this whole wheat pizza crust and go heavy on the veggies, I am really feeling like this is a healthy focused pizza. Yeah, let’s go with that… In all seriousness, I know you’ll love this pizza. It’s cheesy and veggie loaded, which you guys know are two of my favorites. AND it’s the perfect way to celebrate and all around awesome week. The best part? It’s only Wednesday and I only see the week continuing on into greatness as Friday quickly approaches. Got to love when my weeks are this awesome and it’s all thanks to you guys! SO…can we all agree to have fun tonight and relax with some pizza? PLEAASE??

Cool, glad we can all agree on that! Happy Pizza Wednesday!

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