Actually, I have been eating chia seeds for years, but this is the very first time I have used them in anything other than yogurt. I always make giant yogurt bowls (again, hyped on the bowl food) with pomegranate arils (or any other berry/fruit depending on the season), almonds and or pistachios and chia seeds. It is super simple, but I eat these yogurt bowls almost every single day. If you know me, than you know I am a nut and greek yogurt loving freak. I eat the two of them together all the time. And yes, this means that I actually do eat snacks other than chocolate cake and brownies……. Not that I have any problem with that.

Soo…. I feel like we should talk a little bit about this new look the site has.

I mean it has been live since Friday. So yeah, I think it is time to chit-chat a little about it.

First of all, what do you think? I am hopping you guys are loving it as much as I do. It is fun right?

I think some of my favorite parts are the cute little forks scattered throughout the site. Melissa + Erin did a great job. I absolutely love Melissa’s designs. She is one talented women and if you ask me she is killing it in both the blogging and design worlds. And now, on top of all that, she is learning to master the new mommy world as well! Somehow she totally got what I was going for and even showed me that I can like the color pink. Just so you know, I have never, ever like the color pink. Ask anyone and they will tell you I am a true tomboy at heart, so the pink was definitely a surprise, but I am kind of loving it.

Other than the design of the site, everything else should pretty much work the same. Be sure to let me know if there are any issues you guys run into. There are always a few kinks to work out in the first couple days, so please leave a comment or shoot me an email.

Ahhh….. and  isn’t the font the cutest? I love the font. I feel like it is just refreshing. New year… new clean and pretty site. YES! I have been wanting a new design since I started Half Baked Harvest, so I am pumped. Oh, and I am kind pumped over these shakes. Although they are honestly more like soft serve ice cream. It just depends on how much almond milk you use, but I left mine thick. I am a sucker for soft serve. DQ was my childhood favorite.


Go ahead, be as indulgent as you like – they won’t hurt a bit!  

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