I spent like the last thirty minutes going back and forth in my head about the title for this post. Keep it simple or go all out? I kind of feel like my recipe titles are always extremely long and I kind of hate that, but I just cannot leave anything out and this cake is no exception. Although, the title still does not do this cake justice. Like not even close.

Hands down this is the best cake I have ever made. Like ever, in all of my nineteen years. And trust me, I have made my fair share of chocolate cakes. Granted they have all only been straight up chocolate cake and chocolate frosting, but still this cake is epic. No joking around. I do not joke about chocolate. Or cake. Or buckeyes.

Please tell me you guys know what Buckeyes are? No, not the things that are all over the ground in Ohio. Sure, those are cute, but I am talking about real Buckeyes. You know, the peanut butter balls that are covered in chocolate? Yeah, chocolate peanut butter lovers heaven. Originally being from Ohio, I know all about Buckeyes. They were a staple dessert in our house basically any time of the year, but especially come fall when football starts back up. Actually, they are even crazy popular come Thanksgiving and Christmas, yeah I guess at our house they were popular all year around.

With football in full swing I thought it was time. Time for cake!! Ah cake, love cake!

Lately though, I have been feeling like I want to challenge myself. Which is so crazy, since I am in over my head and have no time at all as it is. So obviously, adding a giant triple layer cake to my to do list was necessary. So logical, right? Yeah, I do not think my brain thinks logically. Not sure it is even is capable of logical thoughts.

But once the idea was in my head, it was there. Ingrained into my brain just screaming at me, “make cake, make an awesome cake with three layers and two frostings and bourbon ganache, make cake now”. There was nothing I could do to silence my brain, it had to happen. And it did. And oh my gosh, it did not topple over.

It actually worked and stood up tall with chocolate running down the sides. It was just what I wanted. And that? Well, that never happens.

Ok, to be totally honest it did not turn out one-hundred percent the way I wanted, but I just never expect that to happen. My slices were not as perfect as those you see here and here, but I am ok with that. I am no cake master and geez, I am just happy everything stayed together for me! Taste-wise though it is PERFECT! Seriously, it is going to be the best thing you ever tasted. It’s just that good.

This is not one of those super quick, super easy recipes, but the time you are going to put into it will be SO worth it in the end. I promise. Making the cake, the frosting and the ganache is nothing hard all, it is just a little time-consuming. Totally doable, you just need to carve out a couple hours to make it. But again, SO worth it. Just look at the thing. Obsessed.

Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake – Devoured.

Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 10Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 11Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 10Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 37Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 31Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 99Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 15Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 41Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 79Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 58Ultimate Triple Layer Chocolate Bourbon Peanut Butter Buckeye Cake - 17