It may be totally vegan (…well…it can be…), but this sandwich is honestly amazing, with so much flavor! Even my family agreed, this sandwich KILLS it. Ok, not any of the brothers, but the parents more than approved. Although, I’m sure if Brendan had been around when I made this sandwich he would have totally agreed, this sandwich tops all others. And please, true BLT lovers, do not hate me for this. You have to understand that this sandwich is not meant to replace the classic. Honestly, I would not have even called this a BLT, but then I just couldn’t think of a better name to describe it. It’s just like a BLT, but minus the bacon and + the most awesome crispy coconut. Some people call it coconut bacon, but I don’t know if I can do that. It just seems, well weird, you know??
I mean, bacon is bacon…it comes from a pig…it’s bacon. But coconut?? It’s just not bacon…but it is still INCREDIBLE. Personally, I would eat this salty, sweet and slightly smoky coconut over real bacon any day, but I have never been one of those crazed bacon lovers like some people (AKA all my brothers, yeah, and pretty much all the guys I know…except my dad, but even he still likes it!). And since we are on the subject of fake-ish bacon, have you guys read about this seaweed bacon?? I mean, what?!?! It’s all over the internet and you know, I’m not so sure about it. Seaweed bacon??? Huh?? I’ll try it of course, but I’m definitely skeptical. Thoughts? Comments?
Anyway, this sandwich, BLT or whatever you want to call it, is something you just gotta make. It’s healthy, colorful and seriously SO good. And it’s also easy to make, that right there is a pretty big bonus, easy AND delicious!!
SIDENOTE: I was hiking Saturday and someone recognized me from the blog. WEIRDEST thing ever….but totally cool!!
As for what is actually in the “coconut bacon” it’s just a simple mix of pure maple, soy sauce or tamari, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar or liquid smoke. I used apple cider vinegar because the idea of the liquid smoke creeps me out a little + I cannot find a good brand in my grocery store. So apple cider it was, I thought it worked great, but if you are into it, go ahead and try the liquid smoke! Ok and the mayo?? Well, it is not really mayo, but I swear it’s better, and it’s what I will be using in place of mayo from here on out. Mayo has never been my favorite, so I am loving this alternative. It’s just tahini (sesame seed paste) mixed with chipotle chile peppers, but it’s the best sauce. And it is actually super healthy too. Soooo…you can REALLY lather it on. Yummers.
And the rest is all the basic BLT stuff. Heirloom tomatoes (the best, I will be so sad when they are gone), lettuce (I actually used dandelion greens from my yard) and umm an egg because I cannot do a BLT without an egg. I just can’t. Oh, and if you are not vegan, I HIGHLY recommend adding a slice or two of brie to the bottom piece of bread and then melting it under the broiler before adding your lettuce + tomatoes + coconut. I maybe did this after the photos and it was maybe completely the best decision I ever made. Dramatic much? Yes…but it is so true. DO IT.
I can’t even, I mean, it’s too good. I mean, just MAKE IT – it’s a great way to start your week off.