Really, these need to be called The Best Damn Chocolate Fudge Popsicles. Because they are. And they only just happen to be vegan. I promise you though, these are so freaking good. Creamy, fudgey and extra chocolatey. Just the way they should be.
When I was younger my mom would buy those fudge popsicles from the store that were like sixty calories and fat free. Believe it or not, I totally thought those things were awesome. I think I just liked that they were cold and had a chocolate flavor. I have not had one of those for a while, and these days I never buy any “diet” products, because um eew. I mean, whole food all they way if you ask me. Anyway, I was thinking about those pops a week or two ago. Thinking about how when I go to Florida in June those would be really awesome because Florida in June is really hot… Then I looked outside and started feeling kind of cold thinking about popsicles as I watched the snow fall. Today, well, I am currently blasting my little space heater because I am STILL cold and because it is STILL snowing AND because I made popsicles that scream from the freezer “EAT ME….even though is it snowing outside…. in the middle of MAY”.
But it’s ok because in my head, where I can use my imagination, things are all warm and sunny. So it’s all good, I am happy and I have popsicles. And it’s Friday. Life is definitely good… especially on a Friday.
Oh, did you catch the part where I said I am going to Florida in June? I am, I am! And I am so excited, just me and my grandma for a week of shopping, cheese and crackers, and sunshine. Cannot wait.
These popsicles though? Yes, they are vegan and yes, they are the easiest things ever AND you do not even have to have popsicles molds make them. You can use paper Dixie cups and then just peel the paper away. Now, when you read the ingredients it might make you a little scared. I mean dates? Cashews? Kind of a weird mix, but I promise all you taste is chocolate, and the texture is creamy, silky and honestly incredible. I have to say, these totally shocked me. All those years of eating icy, bland fudge pops when I could have been eating these HEALTHY (YUP!) fudge pops? What a waste. Seriously, if there is one thing you do this weekend, it’s got to be to make these. You can do it.
You NEED to do it.