I know that by simply looking at these waffles they may not seem like anything special, but do not be fooled – these waffles are special! Extra special with a cherry on top. Oh man, I totally should have put a cherry on top, that would have been so cute, FUDGE. Next time for sure.

These waffles have something kind of amazing hiding inside. Something that I hope you all have amazing childhood memories of eating. Something that I love so much and will forever think of my mommy when making. Cookie dough! Oh heck yes. It may not be health food by any means, but it’s really, really good. And it’s summer… all summer treats need to be REALLY good. I think that we can at least all agree on that.

You see, I did the craziest, but possibly the most genius thing ever. Ok well, maybe it’s not genius, but I like to think it’s a good idea. I took a ball of homemade cookie dough, then I stuffed it inside brioche-like waffle dough…and then…I started making waffles with it. I wasn’t sure how it was going to work. Would the waffle iron turn the dough into a cookie? Would everything just ooze out? Actually, a little bit of both things happened, but in turn, I still came out with one of the best waffles I have ever made.

To be clear, a little of the cookie dough does ooze out, but not much, and only if you do not completely seal the waffle dough around the cookie dough. And while the waffle iron does not really turn the cookie dough into cookies, it does melt those mini chocolate chips, which is clearly PERFECT. Melted chocolate, but with cookie dough? Yeah, it’s good, it’s good! Eating the waffles hot right off the iron is a very, very tempting thing, and it totally happened once…or twice. Hey my mom was over, and she sure as heck wasn’t going to hold out, so how could I? We were testing, you know?

For a while now I have been wanting to make something involving cookie dough, but I just didn’t know what. Cookie dough has so many great memories for me, and lately when I have been feeling stressed and what not, I love thinking back upon those memories. Just being a kid, hanging with my mom and mostly likely my brothers too (I tend to fade them out) while making cookie dough. The best, right? Somehow I came up with the idea for waffle ice cream sammies infused with chocolate chip cookie dough and just went for it. The best part was that I got to spend a little time with my mom and little sister while making them since I needed recipe taste testers…they really just wanted the sammies. Duh.

You can do one of two things with this recipe. …One: make your waffle, put it on a plate, add a giant scoop of ice cream, a drizzle of hot fudge sauce and dig in with a fork and knife + a giant glass of ice-cold milk. «< This is actually my favorite option. …Two: make your waffles and let them cool slightly, add a scoop of ice cream and a little fudge sauce. Add another waffle and open BIG. This is a very messy, but deliciously fun option. «<This is Asher’s favorite. Well, she really couldn’t get her mouth around the sammie, but eating a dessert with a knife and fork just isn’t really her thing…diving in is. Either way, you are going to be in dessert, ice cream and waffle heaven.

Which is the best way to end a Friday and start a weekend.

I mean, I want. You NEED. Happy Friday INDEED. I guess I rhyme now?

Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 19Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 54Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 44Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 64Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 12Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 50Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 5Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 66Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 62Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 31Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 51Waffle Ice Cream Sammies   Half Baked Harvest - 28