I am excited about this one. Can’t you tell?
But first a little story. Yeah, this pizza has a story and it’s pretty embarrassing. You guys like my stories right? Ok, maybe you shouldn’t answer that. Unless by some miracle you do. Then go right ahead.
I am really lucky and have a kitchen surrounded with GIANT windows. Actually, they are technically doors and they go all around our kitchen. I alway’s set up my little make shift “studio” at the end of the kitchen table where it is closest to the window. Our table is one of those long ones with supports only in the the middle of the table. Yeah, do you see where this is going yet?
The boards I use to shoot my food photos on top of are HEAVY. I have one large marble slab and two slate cheese boards, plus a white wood board to use as a back drop. For some reason on this particular day I had all three of the boards at the one end of the table, plus my super heavy cast iron skillet, plus my large wooden cutting broad, plus a whole bag of pine nuts and a glass of water. I promise I do not normally have this much stuff, especially heavy stuff, all out at the same time. This was just a weird day. Alright, so here is where I just get plain stupid. I get the pizza out of the oven and throw it on my cutting board (not the small one you see in these photos), which for some reason I have sitting on top of the marble and both slate boards. Then I grab my camera. Then I step up on the table for an overhead shot like I always do, except today the weight was just too much……
Ah huh. It was like a teeter totter. One end went up and the other went down. Except the heavy end just stayed down. Really it was quite the site. Luckily I jumped to the side with my precious camera in my hands (I guess the ninja like qualities run in the family) and was completely fine. My pizza? Yeah, it survived, but it sure did not look the same. Edible and still totally delicious, but not pretty.
Seriously, I am sitting here laughing about this. I am. Why the heck did I think that table could hold so much weight all in one spot? Maybe it was because I do this EVERYDAY without any problems. See, I am not a big person. My mom’s tiny, my sister’s tiny, my little brother is tiny and one of my older brothers is tiny. My dad and my three other brothers? They’re big, but only because they are into that whole weight lifting thing. Yeah, they totally do the protein shakes too. I never worried that I would actually tip the table over, but today? Today I pushed my limits way too far. Oh well, at least I got a story out of it and ya know what? The second pizza turned out better than the first anyway.
Now this pizza!! Man is it so so so good! The whipped feta is my new thing. I could slather it on everything, dip anything into it or, heck just give me a spoon. Basically it’s feta cheese, roasted garlic, basil and lemon and it is KILLER. So good. Oh gosh and the roasted jalapeño’s? Holly yum! Greek pizza with a Mexican kick.
Hey it’s Thursday! It’s pizza time people!