I dunno about you guys, but I do believe that almost all muffins can be made better by adding a little streusel. The combo of delicious buttery streusel with these moist peachy muffins just really works for me. Meaning I think these muffins are freaking DELISH. A little on the sweet side, but um, when could that ever be a bad thing?!? And hey, did you see… zucchini is involved, so that totally cancels out all the sugar in my mind…muahahaha.

Question, are you guys sick of peaches? I am totally in peach mode. For me, the early summer months are all about berries + cherries, and the later summer months are all about peaches + zucchini. It’s no secret that the peaches always seem to be at their best come August, so clearly I needed to do a little baking with them. In all honesty, this is truly the first summer I’ve truly embraced baking with summer fruits. I know that sounds just so horrible, but as you guys well know, when it comes to baked goods, I’m typically an all chocolate kind of girl. BUT this summer has been different, I’ve been embracing the “sweet” brunch foods. OKok, so some of my sweet brunch foods really qualify as dessert to most people, but whatever. Mom’s a chocoholic, and to me, fruity things just do not feel dessert like.

Anyway, I’ve really grown to love baking/cooking with fruits. I’m talking pies, scones, grilled peaches, cherry pancakes, peach fritters, peach crisp, etc. It has for sure been a fruity kind of summer!! Pretty soon I’ll be moving on to apples, but for today, it’s all about peaches! I’d love to say that these peach muffins have some amazing story as to how they came to be, but in all honesty, I really just had a whole bunch of peaches sitting on the counter that needed to be used. Sometimes I can get a little too exited when I see good-looking produce and I buy a little too much…either that or I went to the farm stand hungry, which caused me to buy more than I really needed. UGH. Tell me this happens to you guys too? So I had several peaches and a fridge full of zucchini, and then well, I just decided it was a muffin kind of day and went for it. At first I wasn’t sure if you guys would think zucchini and peach muffins sounded totally weird, but then I asked all of my family members… repeatedly, and they all agreed zucchini peach muffins are where it’s at! Decision made. About forty minutes or so later my kitchen smelled beyond amazing and I had warm muffins sitting on my counter. Let me just say that getting through this photo shoot without picking away at these muffins was brutal. I reasoned with myself at first, but then I declared one of the muffins too ugly to photography. That was that, gone in five seconds flat.

SOOOO GOOD. I feel like a lot of times you’ll see streusel muffins with a glaze, but these are perfect as it. No added sweetness is needed. Just maybe a cup of coffee or tea and you’ll have breakfast or afternoon snack perfection. These are amazing straight outta the oven while still warm, but even a couple of days after baking, they still taste delish. Really though, can you guys think of a better Tuesday treat?!?! I’m thinking that you have all got to make these, like ASAP. Before the peaches are all gone for the season…oh my gosh! BUT when the peaches are gone ?, you can always swap them for apples. YES. That will be pretty amazing too. Ok, now I am a little excited for fall… just a little. 🙂

PS. That streusel though… it. is. everything. k. bye! PS. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite bloggers in the Bloglovin 2016 awards…Half Baked Harvest is nominated for best food blog, yeah!! PSS. I’ve also been nominated for the SAVEUR Magazine 2016 Blog Awards for Most Inspired Weeknight Dinners! I would be so grateful if you would go and vote for your favorite blogger. You can vote everyday from now until August 31st! ?

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